Monday 17 November 2008

Cover Design Part 2

This is the full front and back illustration for the cover (maybe XP). It need redoing partly because the original is A3 and I could use the A3 scanner and partly because I used pencil, not pen so the edges are very rough...if you click to make it big you'll see XP! But that's what I was thinking of when I drew the sketch last night!


MurrayMah said...

ahhhhh yea, that looks cool, much prefer this now have seen it inked! nice one on the continuation for front and back, im gona have a bash later on, but yours shall def be a consideration im sure!

Debbie Lambert said...

oooh I really like this one!

Just a couple thoughts- if it's front and back as one image, you might want to scale up to A2, or else you're working 1:1 which will be horribly unforgiving.

I really like it though, you might want to push the detail in a few bits like the suckers and eyes...octopuses are so fantastically bizarre.

Jess Watson said...

Yeh I might work on the details and redo it in pen, then I can fill it in in the workshop in the morning (which I think I need again since I have the memory of a retarded goldfish >.>)...Is the publication going to be A3? I know nothing apparently XP

Chiu said...

the publication will be around A4 portrait closed - A3 horizontal as a double spread!

I think you need to take the whole composition, background in all into consideration - but on the up, each stage seems to get closer. I think katie's is beautifully drawn and composed - though not really as suitable as yours in concept or mood for the work that will be printed

Jess Watson said...

I'm redoing it entirely now, hopefully to a more detailed and interesting appearance (though using the same sort of concept of octopus and the spread. I should be done in a few hours and I'll post the new one up.