Friday 30 January 2009

Hollow Men Revised

Changed all the type and redrawn quite a lot of panels, as well as adding some sort of halftone shading in PS


Chiu said...

much better text integration! Is it a font which changes size to look handwritten, or is it hand written??

Don't like fourth page, figures or text, looks like you were burnt out by the time you reached the fourth,

still massive improvement on initial attempt!

Debbie Lambert said...

Nope it's a font- I'm working on my handwriting a bit before I attempt hand-lettering.

The fourth page is definitely the one that keeps giving me trouble- whenever I look back at it I feel a bit off about the copy, or the drawings, or the general resolution. I seem to be bad at endings. May have another attempt at it before Monday.

Chiu said...

don't worry I have no time either for the fonts or my fourth page, and will also wait til Monday! Perhaps it's good that we all get together on occasions to share ideas and techniques!

MurrayMah said...

I like the conversion of this to grayscale, i don't think the fourth page is a failure, but just needs more definition as the previous pages have abit more life to them, but i really enjoy this strip and the modifications to it.