Thursday, 16 April 2009

Fairytale Love Finished (And Other stuff)

Unfortunately I did put the text onto the thing so I can't really do much about it...I've done my best to make it look ok but I'll know for next time o.o" Honest!!

I also finished the knight one...with the text and such.

And Fearnot is sort of finished...still the fonts not great o.<>


Chiu said...

well we'll just have to see if we have to lower our standards to see whether it goes in, honest :)

Jess Watson said...

I could rework'll just take me along time that would probably be better spent doing something else since the mistakes been made now :/ i didn't think the text was that bad x.x!

MurrayMah said...

I really like the intricate and weaving drawings, so i wouldnt be too disheartened, but alas this time round the text does let it down, kinda a mixture of font and placement, but i would by no means call it a failure!

Jess Watson said...

I might rework the text o.< since everyone seems to hate it so much...i'm just so sick of looking at this work is all -twitch-

Chiu said...

hi jess! Can you rework the text on the Knight as it's too cramped, and the old english text isn't really necessary - can you find a handwritten old english font??

Jess Watson said...

Yeh I can do...Do you still want me to rework the text on fairytale love o.o?

Chiu said...

only if you want to re-work some of the hand written (keeping it to hand written), but I'm worried that re-working in your case is not always an improvement, if you can't see any problems. So probably no! As am happy to publish as is.

Jess Watson said...

>.> I do see the problem with it, I just don't know that its worth the time to rework it right now. I saw the problem when I did the first spread but I couldn't really do it any other way or else it would have been really inconsistant...o.<